Saturday, May 29, 2010

Control Your Stress

Posted by lianazulak On 5:17 AM No comments

Assalamualaikum wbt...

What a relief....fuh.....
I just finished answered mcq questions..The questions were not so the only last paper is,,,,,PRACTICAL EXAM...
My practical exam will be held on 2nd May, this Wednesday...
While All My Housemates will be held on 1st May, this Tuesday..

You know why i'm crying???
Because they got more holiday to go out there, buy somethings for their parents when they're come back to Malaysia....I 'm also want to Go!!!....Whua..Whua...
My housemates, don't leave alone at home..I'm scared of dark........

But i'm not go back this year..
"WHY???",all people asking me this question...
"Why not we celebrates Eid at here..its not make any different..its must be a lots of fun.."..thats my answer..
"You don't miss your family??", asked them again..
"Of course i miss them so much,mmm..its ok, i already studied at boarding school before so its not a big problem to control my the way, we already grow up, right....??", answer me again with confident...

In deep of my HEART,
"I dont want to burden my family..
I know they don't have enough money...
Even they said 'its ok','don't worry my dear, we all alright' and 'don't think like that, i got bonus this month or this year'..
I know you all try to cover it up from me..

Mum, Dad..
You all can't lie me so easily..
I'm already growing up...
I also already see world how its look like...
I also already working before,,,
And I knew how hard to find money that much...
I'm your daughter..
You all already rised me and i lived with you almost 20 years ..
So I understood my family's conditions..

Mum , Dad,
Don't hate me..
Or think that i was "Anak Derhaka"
Its not like that..
Please love me...
I'll try my best to be 'Anak Solehah'
Give me chance to try,
Give me more time to change,
Give me your hand to make me stronger..."

Everytimes exam comes near to my sides
I become stress
Well, for me its normal to be stressful..
I knew, to much stress in your mind could make you become

crazy like this,,,,,

or kick people ashhh,,,

pretend you're already dead....

You wanna know how i try to handle my stress???
Ok, it were like these..
Take your Pencil /Pen/Color Pencil and Rubber..
Don't forget write it on the Paper,
or you can write it on your Clothes,
or better you write it on the Wall because everybody can see them all,
or if you're green person (tree lover,..not that HULK ,ok), you can write this on the flower..
Thats were my suggestion, chose it which One is Best for you..hehehe...

TIPS..If I Was StressFull, I Will...
1. Go to my housemates's room..
looked what are they doing, if i saw they was study..i'll go backed to my room and
continue study..
if they're not studying, i made jokes with them..

2. Go to refridge, find something to drink or something to eat..
If you find cockroaches, kill Them All... Hahaha...

3. Go to the toilet, took wudhuk and solat sunat...or read Al-Quran or also zikir.."Allah,Allah,Allah"
If I feel guilty, I took a bath..LALALALALALALALALA................
4. Switched on the laptop, either i read blogs, play piano or write blog..hihihi..
5. Called my family at Malaysia,...."Hello, Mum, Dad.. How you doing Today..???"
6. Go to Mirror, and hypnotized myself.."Liana,Go Study..Exam Is Tomorrow.."
7. Have a Poco-Poco in my room.....well, women are not allow to exercise outside...AURAT... i believe, i can fly, i believe, i can touch the sky.........
blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com1, 2, 3 , 4, 5, 6.....

I think, thats all..
i think i have a lots ideas..but its may take a longer to time for me to write..

Don't worry...
"Setiap Umat Itu Akan Diuji Oleh Allah..Hanya Orang Yang Terpilih Sahaja Diuji Begitu Rupa.."

During studying,
During working,
During in relationship..^_^
we will be tested,
to make that we appreciate what we got now,
and appreciate people surrounding you..
I was so Happy,because i was been tested before.
And now i realized that How Allah Love Me So much..
If He didn't Test me before,may be I was not so mature, and so strong like now..
Thank God..
You was The One that Save my

Ok, times I'll share another things about myself...
Thats all from me...
"Jaga Hati dan Jaga Iman.."