Saturday, May 29, 2010


Posted by lianazulak On 9:37 AM No comments

Assalamualaikum wbt..

Hopefully you all are fine,
Still wanna continue to be with me here in this blog...
Many people said I'm a good Ghost Story Teller when I was at old school..blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comHOHOHO
But I don't know why when I was here (egypt) I'm totally become quiet person,
Untill my housemates said I'm was the Coolest Father In The House...
May be because time was limited for me to Imaging Good Story for My Friends...
In this blog i can spend more time with you all to talk about many things..(mcm bedtime story la pulak)
So,Just Stay Tuned with

What I wanna talk about..???
See my TiTle up there..
"100 TARGET"
Whats that mean about??
look at this video 1st,ok???
Tengok Jangan Tak

This Video I got during my birthday's day (this year ok..)
When I opened my email, I saw one email from one of friend from Morroco..
He wished my happy birthday and said he don't have any present to give but he give me a wonderful video, which opened my eyes...
I was so touched by watching this video...
I want to be like that Guy...
Who can make his DREAM become true...
Like Princess Diana..hihihi...
No lah..
After I saw this video, I directly took 2 pices of papers and wrote "50 TARGETKU"
And I pasted them at behind of the cupboard..
I just completed one of my TARGET which is to create a blog to share about myself...
And now one Dream already become true which now you all read my blog...

Then, after a few days he chatted with me in ym and asked..
"Do you received my email??"
"Yeah, i was so toched with that video...Shukran Jiddan ya akhi^_^", said me happily..
"What do you feel after you saw that video??"asked him again..
I told him what just I'm doing..
"Wow, are truely do it???",said him surprisely..
"Yup, I want to make my TARGET become true in 20 years..", answered me..
"Waaa...I always admired you,you know..."...
and bla..bla...bla...
sorry until here i can tell you about..

So,what is the moral of the story??
1. Believe to our God, Allah SWT...always praise Him and dua for His Guidance...No one can help you except Allah.."Dialah Maha Menerima lagi Maha Pengampun"

2. Don't care about what people want to say about you,believe that u can do it..Put your aim 1001 % to that target..not only aim, but also your effort..then you can achieve it..If you want to know, actually they all are jealous with you when you are more Smartest or Generousness..So take their jealousy as your motivation to be more Smartest and don't give my freinds...

3. Bak pepatah Melayu, "Jangan hangat-hangat tahi ayam"..Once you write your TARGET, don't just put it in your mind...
This made me remember about my partner part time job when I was worked as tutor teacher in Kumon Center,near to my house..
Oneday he sent me a message before I went to Egypt...



But, which the important is in MY HEART:
Although so far I permanent Remember You Always
Because I put it in my Heart so its not easily disappear,
But If I put it in my Mind I 'll easily forgot about you.."

That message I still save it in my Heart..Because what he said was true..
When we love somebody, we love him/her by heart,
When like something, we always do it by heart,
When want something, we will put our effort from our Heart..
So make your TARGET become Reality by your Heart...

Before I go..
Don't sad ok..
I'll give another story..
Don't sad ma...

Short Message for me and my Friends out there..

2 Hal Yang Mesti Dilupakan:
1.Kesalahan Orang Lain Pada Ku
2.Kebaikan Ku Pada Orang Lain

2 Hal Yang Mesti Diingatkan:
1. Kesalahan Ku Pada Orang Lain
2. Kebaikan Orang Lain Pada Ku..

"Jaga Hati dan Jaga Iman"

Wallahu A'lam..